Monday, December 23, 2013

Butterfly House

Returning home to Michigan didn't mean stopping our explorations.  With just a few days remaining before school and my return to work, we looked for local adventures to be had.

One nearby, yet off the beaten path location was the Butterfly House in Whitehouse, Ohio.

This was a wonderful little stop, where the kids could wander about the greenhouse-like enclosure and observe the numerous butterflies flitting about.  If you were lucky, they would land on you, and you could observe each other up close and personal.  

There were butterflies of all sizes and colors, and the kids quickly figured out, how to work the odds in your favor that a butterfly would land on you.  And once it did, how to move very slowly so that it would stay a while.  The third trick, of course, was how to coax it to fly away without touching its wings, when you were ready to go.  After all, we couldn't take any of these beautiful creatures home.

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