Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mercado Day

We spent a lot of time at different markets (mercados) throughout Oaxaca.  They were lively and colorful places full of new sights, sounds, and smells.
Generally, you can touch, smell, and sometimes even taste before you buy.

 Mercados are where people go to shop, eat, and just hang out. 

Going to the market for a breakfast of Barbacoa tacos (goat or lamb cooked for many hours underground) and soup is something very common in central and southern Mexico.  But you have to get there early, or the good stuff will be all gone! 
We enjoyed ours with traditional hot chocolate Oaxacan style.  It was served in a bowl! Mmmmmm!

You can find just about anything you need in the Mercado.

There are whole sections dedicated to fruits,
baked goods,
cured fish,
dried shrimp,
hand tools,
cooking tools,

clothing and shoes,
beans, spices, and sugar (piloncillo),

chocolate in any form from pod to finished - made to order,
 a million types of chilies,
even live animals,
and many other local delicacies you may have never seen before.
...Or wouldn't expect to see...

It's a great place to learn and ask questions: "What's that and what do you do with it?"
...And try something new!

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