Monday, January 21, 2013

We All Scream for Ice Cream

After a long day, the kids wanted ice cream.  We found a hole in the wall with a sign above it that read "ice cream museum" and thought educational ice cream...fantastic!

Well it wasn't really a museum, but it was educational!  We tried all sorts of flavors that were new to gringo taste buds.  Between all of us we tried the following flavors:
  • Lime
  • Oaxacan chocolate (which contains almonds and cinnamon)
  • Tuna ice cream - tunas are not the fish, but the fruit of the prickly pear cactus
  • Mango with habanero chilies
  • Maracuya fruit
  • Rose petal
  • Tamarindo with chapulines (Tamarindo is a fruit the comes from another pod and chapulines are grasshoppers!)
  • Mispero (another fruit that resembles a tiny yellow peach)
All of the ice creams were water based like sorbet.  The one with the grasshoppers was a bit "chewy" and all of them were very good!

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